Monday, February 28, 2011



They are home!

One of my entries from yesterday was speaking about how I was going through withdrawals from not having my children… aka dogs at home. Well, I got to pick them up today! They were so happy to be home,.., see-

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Pep&sye 010wm

Tonight the winner for the {heart contest} will be announced via facebook.


Tomorrow the next contest will start for the month of March

{Cutest Kid}


I already have some of the most darling entries… its going to be a GREAT contest.


Make sure you email me your entry to


Best of luck to the current contestants in the {heart contest} And tomorrow may the games begin with the {Cutest Kid}


xoxo Kelsi

Sunday, February 27, 2011

{Anything but a face} | I heart faces contest

Sierra 149wm

This is my entry for the weekly photo contest {anything but a face} This is my niece Sierra… one of the photos from her maternity shoot that we did. One of my favorites from the shoot as well.

{To see more from the photo shoot visit my facebook page!}

To see more entries.. or to submit your own photo click the cute little button below! Best of luck to everyone else who joined in on this fun!



Dearest groundhog, I am mad at you.


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While I was at a photo shoot for an engagement session, Bethany was needing to change into her second outfit… So while she was doing that…

(and she had to do it in the woods, because there was no bathroom on location!)

I was killing time and taking photos of the nature around me… I saw this photo today when I was going through her album and realized how much of a pretty day that day was… and then I thought about how this weekend was and last week. SNOW. so, then I thought to myself. Didn’t that dang groundhog see his shadow?!


Then WHY…oh WHY dearest groundhog- are we getting horrible winter storms and Snow?!? I can’t take awesome family photos in this pouring down rain outside! I need that sunshine! I am starting to think that he lied to us all.


This is a completely random blog update and it really has nothing to do with anything, except me complaining about how I want spring/summer to get here already.


As soon as the sun starts peeking back out again, I will have my camera attached to my hand 24/7 outside. Until then, I will be patiently waiting.

random 024

(self portrait- curled up watching the snow fall out the window)

Make sure you book your spring/summer sessions now, because spots are all ready filling up!




A couple of new and exciting things that I want to share with you all.... First off, if you book with me the first week of March you will get FREE prints with your session... I will include 1-8x10, 2-4x6, and 2 packs of wallets of your top photo pictures... LETS BOOK!

Also- I am excited to announce the next contest for a free session give-a-way for {CUTEST KID}!! Yes, FREE.... all you have to do is email me your entry of your cutest kid to and I will upload them all to my photography FB page on March 1st. I will take entries until the 10th and contest will end on the 31st of March....BEST OF LUCK!!
I already have lots entries of some SUPER adorable kids..this is going to be a close call!
When the album gets posted on my facebook click on your photo entry, copy the url, and re-post it on your facebook for your friends/family to vote on your photo! ONLY ONE VOTE PER-PERSON. They can either  'like' the photo...or they can comment on it.


Kelsi Pitts

Friday, February 25, 2011

Arts & Craft time

My great friend Ana came over to my house today... we went down to the local craft store and got some good ol' supplies.. then had lunch @ one of our favorite spots called "Moondogs, too" (GREAT RESTURANT!) We got back to my place and made some masquerade masks, for an upcoming Masquerade ball! Here are some photos of the fun!
When we decided to do this event, we were having lunch with an amazing gal named Amie- This is from yesterdays lunch-in with her and then today our mask fun!

Ana, Amie, And myself.


Ana waiting for her mask to dry!

Me with my un-finished mask =)

the finished product!! :)

Today was a fun day, I am excited to announce the upcoming FREE session give-a-way Contest for March.. it is under the theme {CUTEST KID} So, send me your kids photo @ and I will upload them on the 1st of March. Best of luck!

Kelsi Pitts


Every Friday... a photography site give you a photo for you to edit in your own way and share it with others! Here is todays photo BEFORE:


Would you like to try editing this photo? Click the button below!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

"If not us, who? If not now, when?"

WHEW! So, I have been super busy lately... and the last two days I've been stuck at home with no CAR :( Luckily I have someone coming to fix it today so I wont be stuck at home anymore and I can get out and do some photoshoots that I have lined up this week!

So on Saturday I had a photoshoot with the Bailey family.. just a gorgeous loving family- inside & out! Here are a couple shots from that session....

There are more of these on my facebook page in their album!

Also, I did two different engagement sessions... I love these, you can always just feel the love when you're in these photo sessions...

Jenna & Matt <3

Bethany & Noel

Then i had a couple of shoots with lovely ladies and their little ones... here are a couple from thoes shoots

If you'd like to see more of these photos please check them out at my facebook page!
You have to "Like" the page first :)

ALSO! If you book with me in the first week of March you will recieve FREE prints!!
Lets get booking!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Madison in Moms little one

Today I had a photoshoot with one of my favorite little models Madison... She was modeling tutu's and onesies from Mom's Little One.

They are so cute and colorful- I had a small interview with Jennifer Shaughnessy the owner/operator of Mom's Little one...

Make sure to check out Moms little One. @ 

Here are some more photos from the shoot with Madison & clothing by Mom's Little one...

ALSO! If you book a infant/toddler studio shoot with me you can get 10% off when you order a complete set that is tutu, headband and onesie.

Dates about the {Mini EASTER session} are in play as well as a couple different packages you can get with that. Make sure you stay tuned so you can book your spot!

Email me @ and lets book you a shoot!

Thanks for stoppin' in & Thanks Mom's Little One for interviewing with me and running a special for 10% off!

Kelsi Pitts

baby on the way

Sunday was my nieces babyshower it was a really great seeing everyone in the family and friends to show up and celebrate this new and upcoming joy. Here are a couple photos from the shower.
some of the little details to be!

Sierra excited to get a present made my my very talented Sister Heidi

This is my sister Heidi & her son Logan AKA BATMAN ;)

The mom to be & myself

There are a TON more photos that I would love to share but you can always just check
out the entire album on my facebook page.

After the babyshower was said and done with me, Sierra & my other niece Erinn headed
down to the local waterfront and did her maternity shoot... Erinn helped out as my assistant...

Erinn, Sierra and myself

ALSO- Cristi Hoefer and I have came up with DATES for the {mini EASTER session}
I will be posting it up on my facebook soon- make sure that you book a time slot
before they get all taken!
